Get to know me...

Picture of Alison Therese owner of Alison Therese Photography

Photo Credit: Erin Gunther of Cedar and Moss Studios

Yes, that’s me: the woman who would rather be behind the camera than in front of it. As you can see, I am Mom to three adorable children and Wife to that very handsome and amazing father. As a mom, I know it's extremely important to have memories because our kids grow too fast. This is one of the main reasons that I chose to help others capture the way their son likes to scream into the wind, the way their two-year-old still curls her little fingers around the top of mom's shirt, or the way Dad looks when his kids are squealing with laughter.


I like nothing more than painting with my kids. Most of the time I can be found running around the back yard playing Star Wars with them. I sometimes feel like a taxi service. I do not like coffee (I know shocking!) And my favorite color is blue, like straight out of the box crayola blue.


Feel free to take a look around and if you like what you see let's chat about capturing your family.